Tonight marks the end of Spring Break. It's funny because I can remember marking my calendar at the beginning of the school year in anticipation of this week in particular - a chance to enjoy being with my children without any particular agenda.
We played at home, went to the zoo with Grandma and Emma, sat around in our pajamas a couple of mornings, went to open gym at Saddlebrook, had breakfast with grandpa at Summer Kitchen, painted Mateo's new bedroom, welcomed our new cousin Felipe, ran errands, took long naps, baked cookies, went to swim lessons, and just enjoyed being together. It has been a great week.
The thought has struck me quite a few times this week that this is the last big chunk of time I'll have being Mommy to just Mateo and Francesca before our new baby girl is born. My mom reminded me this week of the importance of choosing JOY. I carry that with me.
Tomorrow's back to work. We celebrate Mateo's 4th birthday on Thursday ... I can't believe that. Before you know it, it will be summer (and our littlest girl will be here!)

Snacks at the zoo

Butterfly patrol

Checking out the fish


Gorilla Mama and baby

Polar bear swim

Little Guys Gym at Saddlebrook

Cone head

Francesca and Mateo played really well together. They especially loved the parachute. Francesa was walking all over the place - it has been so great to see her exploring while walking and choosing to walk over crawling consistently. Our goal of walking independently by May is becoming a stronger reality each day.

Hanging out at home

Reading Napping House with our services coordinator, Beth Schultz

All smiles