Francesca has definitely entered into her 2's! She is into everything and we have to keep a close eye on her every minute. Of course, she loves to do anything that Mateo does (he is such a great model for her), and she does many things that Mateo never dared to do.
Last week she took all the clothes out of the dryer and climbed into the tumbler. I missed the picture by a short second! It was such a funny sight to see her in there, and it really caught me by surprise. She of course climbed out as quickly as she climbed in (which is all I caught on camera). Francesca loves to help me fold laundry and always hands me something from the pile. If I don't take it fast enough, she shouts as if to say, "Here, Mom! Let's get this job done already!"

Cesca also loves to be outside... and she LOVES to play in the rocks and dirt. Her new favorite is to climb into our yet-to-be-planted garden and dig around in the dirt. Here's what she looks like when she's done.

She walks independently very well - a huge goal we had for her that we hoped to see her achieve before baby sister is born. And she is really starting to talk/vocalize more clearly using many more initial sounds to express herself. For example, she now says "ma!" and signs more when she wants something more (music, food, water). Other words she has:
Da-da-di! = Daddy
Ma-ma-mi! = Mommy
ood = food
yo-goo = yogurt
wa-wa = water
buh = bye
ba = book, belly button, balloon
chee = cheese
She makes us laugh and smile all the time - Francesca is a riot and is living up to her name, "Smiling."

Watching as Mateo learns to hit the tee-ball with Daddy