Last week we took a last minute trip up to the cabin - just the four of us for the first time. We had a really nice time at the lake fishing, taking walks, playing together and relaxing. On Sunday, we went to the Taste of Dorset, an annual event in the "Restaurant Capital of the World." The town of Dorset consists of one street with 5 restaurants and 1 church - that's it. We had fun sampling food from the different restaurants. Mateo liked the monkey tails (chocolate covered frozen banana rolled in Oreo) and the pork chop on a stick.
On the way back to Omaha, we stopped to see Tricia and Ben Arndt. Not only was it fun to see Trish, but it was also wonderful to meet their newest little one, Landon, for them to meet Francesca and for Mateo and Owen to play together.
Mateo and Owen

Tricia, Jaimie and Francesca
Landon checks out Francesca in her Bumbo
Tricia and Landon (almost 1 year)