I tried a homemade recipe for teething biscuits today for Francesca. She is loving putting things in her mouth even though there are no apparent teeth sprouting yet. Did you know that babies with DS often get their teeth in a very different order that other babies? For example, Francesca might get her two incisors before her two front bottom teeth. (If she did, we would have to change her Halloween costume from bumblebee to vampire!) And, once teeth do start to bud, we might see them one day and not the next. Should be interesting.
As I was making the biscuits, Mateo came down after waking up from his nap with a BIG smile on his face. He said, Hi Mommy! And I asked him "What's up little man?" His answer: "I wake up a morning. I wake up a bed. Daddy sleep like this (Mateo snored). I watch Elmo please?" Yup, that about sums it up, Mateo.