At the hospital

Well, here's the scoop... Francesca was diagnosed with RSV on Tuesday and then admitted on Friday to Children's (we even got an exciting ambulance ride from the ped clinic to the hospital). Turns out she got pneumonia on top of the RSV. Bad news because it is the 3rd time since December 6 that she's had pneumonia! She was making little progress after 4 days they started her on steroids. Made better progress until last night when she couldn't get her oxygen sat above mid 80s even with 10 mL of oxygen. Scary stuff. We ended up in the PICU with an oxygen mask and 15 mL of oxygen most of the night. Jose was Super Daddy and held her until 5:45 in the morning since she couldn't/wouldn't sleep on her back. By 8:00 she was down to 10 mL again and then after a breathing treatment she quickly went back to a nasal canon and is now holding her own on 2 mL. We THINK the source of our problem may be that she is aspirating while eating/nursing or that she has reflux causing the recurring pneumonia. Of course this could just be something that happens while she has a cold and that is what turns it to pneumonia so often. Good news is she is stable and we are moving back upstairs to the regular ped unit later today (once a room opens up). Thanks for praying for Francesca guys. We have a long recovery road ahead of us.