On Saturday we went to visit
los bisabuelos Rosa and Agapito. Their home is where all 13 of their children come and hang out on almost a daily basis - always a busy house! Here is Francesca with her great-grandma Rosa.

Mateo with his Godfather, Hamilton

Mateo with Fendi - she looks fierce, but is a sweet dog who is great with kids. The other cousins ride her like a horse! Mateo misses his Chester and is sure to give Fendi all the love Chester would have otherwise received.

Francesca looks adoringly at Hamilton

Mateo with cousins Sindy and Eimy

Tia Rosita took Francesca on a little walk and came back complaining about how heavy Francesca is!

Mateo and Eimy play on the porch

Francesca helped organize the groceries

Sindy and Francesca bond on the park bench

Francesca LOVED riding around on the bike! Can you believe how big she looks here?!