This afternoon (after mourning Brasil's loss to the Netherlands in the World Cup), we had an incredibly enjoyable afternoon at the Beltran-Castañeda home. Lunch was spectacular - carmelized pear and blue cheese salad, beef medallions in maracuya (passion fruit) sauce, twice baked potato pie, brownies and ice cream... deliciosisimo! We stayed the entire afternoon and had such a nice visit - time goes by so quickly when we are with them.

el Mundial
Francesca's favorite pasttime - emptying out the drawers

Margarita Maria with Teo and Ces

Ces with Margarita Maria and Gladys

Mateo telling Jairo Andres a story

Mateo with Jairo Andres and Francesca with Margarita Maria -
los consentidos
Jairo Andres brought treats for Mateo and Francesca - little tea cakes shaped like a chick, frog and pig

Eating ice cream on the balcony

Francesca sat on Jairo Andres' lap for over an hour while he massaged her legs and rubbed her feet together - each of them was in heaven

Edelmira and Gladys

Taking a bath
Francesca's newest move, the "bucking bronco," performed after a warm bedtime bath