Since I went back to work August 10, there has been little time to blog or post pictures. My apologies to those of you who have been following along and have been left with the same post since July! We have all been making a slow adjustment to the new routine of Mommy working full-time. Many have asked how I like being full-time. My response: "I LOVE my job ... I just don't like working!" Meaning balancing work and home is difficult. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who is more than willing to jump in and help out wherever needed, and my babies are very adaptable. They have been doing very well at Blanca's during the days where they eat and play and rest well.
Here are some belated pictures marking the last of our summer outings. These don't include this Labor Day weekend's cabin adventures because I was short a camera (technology is not my friend when it doesn't work right). And to accompany the pictures, here are some highlights of things Francesca is doing and that Mateo has said over the past month.
Grandma: Francesca is on the loose!
Mateo: Grandma, speak English. You say, "Francesca is in the light."
Translation: Mateo heard "luz" not "loose" and didn't want grandma speaking Spanglish.
On the way home one afternoon...
Mateo: Mommy, we speak two languages - English and Spanish. Like this: Hola, como estas?
Mommy: That's right. We're bilingual. We're blessed to be able to speak to languages. How would you like to speak another language someday, maybe Chinese?
Mateo: Yeah. Ninhao!
Where did he learn that?!
Where did he learn that?!
One evening our neighbor asked if he could give Mateo a gift. "Sure!" I responded after previewing what was in the green Cabela's bag. Out pops a brown fuzzy teddy bear dressed in Green Bay Packers gear (no, we are not Packers fans). Mateo says with the most sincere voice...
Oh my gosh! It's beautiful! I love it. I have been looking for this ever since I was a baby! Thank you! Wow!
I think our neighbor just about died. Instead he said, "Oh, he is so cute!"
Mateo's favorite color is blue.
Francesca is signing in 3 word sentences, singing her ABC's and singing along with several other of her favorite songs, crawling solidly on all fours, beginning the cruise along furniture, going to physical therapy and speech/language therapy once a week, and tickling just about anyone who looks like they'll return her a good chuckle. She also loves reading a set of Kindermusik colors books Grandma found for her at a garage sale - we sign the color as we read along. She loves to read. One day I caught her reading a book to herself out loud - pausing as she turned the pages.
Watch at the beginning to see Cesca tickling her friend Vollen - he's no Tickle Me Elmo, but she still thinks it's hilarious.