Mateo started swim lesson 3 weeks ago at the YMCA in Valley, and he LOVES it! Every Saturday morning we've driven out west to the Y where Mateo hops into the water and swims like nobody's business. He's in the Eels group.
We are so proud of him because he really is making good progress learning how to float front and back and kick his legs straight. He's done a great job of listening to his instructor, Austin, and after every minilesson he'll turn around and give us a thumbs up as if to say, "I know I'm doing a good job!" It's darling. He's darling!
The hardest part about the swim lesson is keeping Francesca out of the water. She is more mobile every day and there have been soem close calls where she has about dived in herself. Last week she walked right over to the slide and would have gone down had she had her swim suit on.
Swimming lessons are so important for our babies since we spend so much time up at the lake and around water during the summer. I love watching Mateo learning how to swim and seeing his confidence grow. It's wonderful to praise him during and after and to see his sweet confident smile as he soaks it all up.
Hopefully next session will be a bit warmer outside and Francesca can join in on the swim lesson fun!

Jumpin' right in!
We finish every class with a splash!