Today is Grandpa's Birthday and although we didn't get to celebrate together tonight due to the snow and ice, we did have a great birthday lunch yesterday at the Hog Stop! Happy Birthday Daddy!

The birthday boy and his sweetheart

Mateo was mostly interested in this game, although he did a great job of staying at the table and eating all of his lunch.

Francesca was really into dipping her fried pickle into ranch dressing and sucking off the dressing. Eating has now become a "challenge" since she has decided to assert her independence. It is a certainty that any meal will end in a change of clothes for either her or me or daddy or all of the above!

Dad and his Mom - she remembers yelling to the medical staff when he was born "Don't let them steal my baby!" Her 3 oldest children had been kidnapped and missing for several years when my Dad was born. She has quite the stories. An incredible woman.
Mateo loves Great Grandma and is always sure to give her special attention. (While typing this post I just realized that when my grandma had my dad, she was the same age as I was when we got Mateo... I hope Mateo and I look this great 60 years from now!)
Mateo and Francesca (and Chester) adore their Grandpa Jim.

Watching original Superman videos on Sunday afternoon

Grandpa lets Francesca dig into the jell-o