Monday, August 22, 2011

New stuff

Well, even though I had all summer to post, I am just now getting down to it - and we are already into week 2 of the school year. How ridiculous.

Here are some "firsts" at our house ...

Catalina slept in her room in her crib for the first time this past weekend. I decided it was time to make the transition now that we are not expecting any guests for a while (her room doubled as the guest room this summer). Good-bye bassinet, hello sleeping through the night! Wait ... what? Oh yes! After one night in her crib, Catalina decided to go ahead and sleep straight through the night, 8pm-5am. She was a repeat offender last night sleeping from 8pm-6am. I can only hope she continues the pattern.

Mateo successfully taught Francesca to blow bubbles in the bath water. He has been working on this skill with her for the past week, and tonight was the night! It was quite the event, and we all shouted "Bravo!" after each bubble-blowing dunk. Darling.

I've said before that Mateo is a great big brother, but sometimes I know I am a little too over-protective of the girls and catch myself saying "no" too often. But it's moments like tonight when he was teaching Francesca to jump over Daddy's legs and to blow bubbles in the water that I remember that God knew exactly why we needed Mateo in our family.