Today was they first snow day of this school year! The timing for so many reasons ... first, Jose had already taken the day off since it was the day his mom and sister went back to Florida, so we got to be together as a family. Second, Fracnesca has pneumonia, and I didn't have to take a sick day to be home with her or have to take her out in the cold to Blanca's. Third, Daddy was home to play in the snow with Mateo! Here are some pictures of their snow adventures with our friends Jess and Giovanni Boyd.
p.s. We also had a snow day the next day!

Getting ready

Mateo tries on his new hat from bisabuelo Agapito

All bundled up!

Chester was equally excited about going out to play

The dad's pull the boys

Playing in the tunnel

It's snowing!

Snow angels

Lots of snow angels

Mateo and Giovanni share hot chocolate and a snack after playing in the snow