Catalina is 5 months old today! I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing. Her latest tricks are rolling from her back to stomach (and quickly getting frustrated that she can't roll back again), chewing on fingers (anybody's that gets close to her mouth), staring at her hand (providing minutes of entertainment!).
Catalina is such a content, sweet baby. She hardly fusses and has the biggest, brightest smile. Her eyes continue to change color... right now they are somewhere between grey, blue, green and brown. I think her favorite person is Mateo. He can make her laugh at any moment. You can see in these pictures that he is crazy about her. He has the cutest way of talking to her - I
must get it on video! Francesa always asks to hold Catalina. Then she will quickly give her back and just as quickly ask to hold her again. Often Francesca gently pinches Catalina's cheeks, which is totally understandable... I can't help but smooch on 'em everytime I hold her. (I also find it irresistible to keep from patting her chubby bottom cheeks!) Our little Rosie is just so sweet - what a blessing to our family she is!