Time just goes by too quickly. While trying to upload pictures to the computer from our camera, I came across a video of Mateo on the way to the cabin. He must be about 16 months old and he is "talking" much like Francesca does now. The kind of talk where you know he's saying something important but can't exactly understand, yet he is absolutely delighted with himself, especially as Mommy confirms, "Really?!" It was so adorable. As I'm typing this blog entry, I'm just all emotional ... thinking about how fast my little babies are growing up. Everyone tells you this, but until you really experience it, you just don't realize how quickly time passes.
That's why it's important to capture all these moments.
Francesca got in trouble tonight. She was being SO fiesty that finally Daddy (and Mommy) had enough and took her straight to bed. She had thrown her spoon down on the floor several times at dinner and ripped the tablecloth Grandma bought earlier this week. She was so sad about going to bed tonight - I know she knew she had pulled the last straw. Although it was hard to deliver the consequence of straight to bed without the usual routine of bath, books, bed, I know it is important that we hold her to the same high expectations for behavior that we do Mateo and will Catalina. Tomorrow is the Buddy Walk, so hopefully she will rest well.