This afternoon we made an excursion to San Rafael mall near los abuelos home. Before leaving, abuelito bought ice cream from Crepes and Waffles - a favorite of mine. Mateo loved riding up and down the escalators and elevator. He also was enamoured by the car display and the elephant pillow in the Swiss children´s furniture store.
In the evening, Dalila, a friend who studied English in Omaha back when Jose and I were dating, and her family came to visit. Diego and Dalila's son Samuel - Samy - is 18 months old, and Mateo and Samy had a great time playing together. Mateo even tried showing Samy how to use a sippy cup (Samy is way past using a sippy cup and prefers to drink straight from a glass). Samy has been battling leukemia and so it was extra special to spend time with him and see how much he's grown since we first met him when we adopted Mateo. I have gained courage as a mother from Dalila's strength.
It was a fun and full day!