On June 16, Jose Fernando and I celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary. My in-laws generously sent us on a 4 day, 3 night vacation to Isla Palma, one of the San Bernardo islands in the Carribean. We had an incredible time! We went scuba diving, snorkeling, wind sailing, and even swam with dolphins! Mateo and Francesca stayed with their
abuelos and had a great time, too. For us, it was like going on our long awaited honeymoon. Here's a peek at our trip.

In the boat waiting to leave the port in Cartagena. It was a two hour ride to the island.

Our arrival included tropical music, dancers, drinks, and lots of smiles. "
Isla Palma les va a encantar!"

There was a dolphin show every morning at 9 and evening at 5 - we went every day because we fell in love with the stars of the show, Camila and Fiona. Camila is 35 years old and Fiona is 8 years old (the average dolphin lives 55 years). The trainer, Felix, shared with the crowd on our first day that there is some research being done with dolphins and children with Down syndrome showing that dolphin therapy helps develop certain connections in the brain that increase developmental skills in children with Downs. Of course that grabbed our attention, and after talking with the trainer after the show, he invited us to swim with Camila and Fiona!

Sunset on our anniversary

What a babe - what a beach!

Before our scuba dive

The second night there was a bonfire on the beach and a Hawaiian theme. We did the limbo (Jaimie
almost won!) and lots of dancing. It was a great time.

In the afternoons we took naps in the hammocks by the ocean

Dancing with Piel Morena

The morning we left for home

In Cartegena
Jose tickles FionaJose swimming with Fiona
Jaimie swims with Fiona