Delsy, Maria del Mar and Abuela Ana came to visit - they brought hats and scarves for Mateo and Francesca. However, the most special gift was a beautiful hand-crocheted quilt for Francesca from Abuela Ana.

Abuela Ana with Francesca and Mateo

While Papa and Mama were in Isla Palma, Francesca had more visitors Elizabeth and her daughter Marcela, good friends of Edelmira. The purple boy and flowered dress were gifts for Francesca.

Monday morning, June 22 (also Abuelo Jose's birthday), la Tia Sofia came to visit with her granddaughter and great-granddaughter. Pictured here are Francesca, Mateo and Nicole. Francesca and Nicole were both born in December 2008. For us, it was wonderful to see that Francesca was doing the same things as Nicole - babbling, lying on her tummy, interacting with everyone...

La Mona with Francesca and Tia Sofia with Nicole

One Tuesday we had lunch at Gustavo and Mariela's. Francesca showed off her dancing abilities with la Abuela

Look at me! I raise my hands up to dance, be held or to play