This Sunday, March 15, Francesca was dedicated at Christ Community Church. It was a sweet service and the acoustical music was perfect as we celebrated our love for and commitment to the Lord and promising to raise Francesca and Mateo with His guidance and for His glory. Our prayer is that both of our children will grow to love Jesus with all their hearts and live lives that bring glory to him.
Dusty White was the pastor who did the dedication. He also dedicated Mateo last year in March. It was a joy to be on the stage exactly a year later with our TWO babies knowing that God's timing and His plans are perfect.
After church, Grandpa and Grandma, Aunt Noody and Emma and Great Grandma Olsen came over for Jose Fernando's special grilled hamburgers. It was a relaxing afternoon with family

A Happy Family

Mateo and cousin Emma before the service began

Waiting for Francesca's turn on stage

Francesca on the big screen - "Francesca Sue - 12/07/08 - Parents Jose & Jaimie"

Mateo did a great job on the stage - he only stuck his finger in his nose once!

Pastor Dusty with Francesca

After the service with Pastor Dusty

Grandma and Grandpa

With Aunt Noody

Great Grandma Olsen
Francesca with flowers from Grandpa and Grandma
Francesca lounging around after everyone had gone home