A friend of my Mom's recently sent her a letter of encouragement that I wanted to share. She and her husband raised a special needs daughter years ago. Her letter expresses my heart's desire in how I hope to always see the special calling we have in raising Francesca. My mother's friend referenced a quote from the poem "Welcome to Holland" known well among those familiar with Down Syndrome. You can read the poem at: http://www.ndsccenter.org/resources/package1.php
In the poem the author, who has a child with Downs, states "The pain of that will never, ever, ever go away because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss." She is refering to the loss of the dream of having a "normal" baby. And to a certain extent, I can relate to her pain. However, the words from my mother's friend express the hope and peace that I (and Jose Fernando) hold closer.
"Yes, the loss of our dreams are significant to us, but as we gain a vision for the purpose of God through the loss of our own dreams that He may be glorified and we fulfill His purpose in our lives, we give thanks and rejoice! His ways are not our ways! His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! God is good in all things! Fulfilling God's plans for our lives is so much more fantastic than the fulfillment of any of our own dreams! ... The Lord has entrusted to your family the wonderful stewardship of raising a special child -- how wonderful to have a relationship with the God of Heaven wherein He trusts you with such a great responsibility for one of His own special creations!"
So hear our hearts, and love our babies along with us, rejoicing in the special gifts that they are!