Well, we are at Children's Hospital (again) with Francesca. She has pneumonia! On Monday, I took her to the doctor and they said she had a cold. On Tuesday, I took her again because she was wheezing, and they said she had bronchialitis. On Wednesday, I took her back to see how she was doing and they sent us to the hospital where they diagnosed her with pneumonia. That progressed fast! She is doing better, but will most likely be here over the weekend.
Bueno, estamos en el Hospital de Niños (si, otra vez) con Francesca. Ella tiene neumonia!. El lunes, la lleve al doctor y dijeron que tenia gripa. El martes, la lleve de nuevo porque le estaba sonando mucho el pecho y me dijeron que era bronqueolities. El miercoles, la lleve para saber como seguia y ellos nos enviaron directo al hospital en donde le diagnosticaron la neumonia. Paso muy rapido! Ella esta mejor, pero lo mas seguro es que estemos aqui todo el fin de semana.
While here at Children's, Francesca found her hand for the first time! She was laying propped up in her Boppy and started waving her arm around. Pretty soon she was looking at her hand with great interest and following her movements with her eyes. It was so fun to watch her discover herself.
Estando en el hospital, Francesca se encontro la mano por primera vez! Ella esta recostada en su almohada y empezo a mover la mano en circulos. Al ratitito ella estaba mirando su mano con mucho interes y seguia sus movimientos con los ojos. Fue muy divertido verla como descubre su propio cuerpo.
Hopefully we'll be home by Monday. In the meantime, Jose and I are balancing Francesca and Mateo - trying to be there for both of our precious children. I have been reflecting a lot on how precious life is. I am so grateful for our children and the blessing they are to us. I cannot imagine life without them and find myself reveling in the smalls joys like watching Francesca discovering her hand, hearing Mateo say, "I love you, Mama," and getting sweet kisses from my husband. Life is full of joy despite difficult circumstances.
Ojala estemos en casa el lunes. Mientras tanto, Jose y yo estamos tratando de balancear el tiempo que compartimos con nuestros preciosos hijos. He estado pensando mucho en lo bella que es la vida. Estoy muy agradecida por nuestros hijos y la bendicion que ellos son para nosotros. No me puedo imaginar la vida sin ellos y me encuentro a mi misma a travez de pequeños momentos como el ver a Francesca descubriendo su mano, o escuchando a Mateo diciendo "Te Amo Mama!" , y recibiendo los dulces besos de mi esposo. La vida esta llena de alegrias a pesar de las circunstancias.