Francesca found my face today as I was holding her. She had just finished eating and we were having a little chat session face-to-face. (Francesca has all kinds of interesting things to say these days.) When I switched to cradle hold her, she reached up her left arm and started grabbing my mouth and chin - she smiled brighted-eyed up at me as if to say, "I found you!"
Francesca encontro mi cara hoy mientras yo la estaba cargando. Ella acababa de comer y nosotras estabamos teniendo una pequeña conversacion frente a frente (Francesca tiene muchas cosas interesantes que decir ultimamente). Cuando cambie para alzarla abrazadita, ella levanto su brazo izquierdo y empezo a tocar mi boca y quijada - tenia una sonrisa gigante con los ojos abiertos como si me quisiera decir "Te encontre!"
Mateo has a cold. His poor eyes are watery and his nose is runny. Of course, all he wants to do is smoosh up on his little sister, and keeping them apart is like mission impossible. At least he loves her. Any time he hears her crying he says, "Mama, Cesca lloando (llorando - crying)," and he goes right to wherever she is and tries to comfort her. It's the sweetest thing.
Mateo tiene una gripita. Sus ojitos estan llorosos y tiene moquitos. Claro, lo unico que quiere es acuchucarse con su hermanita, y tenerlos separados ha sido una mision imposible. Por lo menos el la quiere. Cuando el la escucha llorando dice: "Mama, Cesca lloando" y se va directico a donde ella esta y trata de calmarla. Es la cosa mas dulce.
I love my babies.
Amo a mis bebes.