Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mateo's 3rd Birthday

Mateo turned 3 years old today! It has been a fun-filled day ... this series of pictures were taken to document his birthday adventures.

Super Mateo woke up snuggled in his Daddy's arms and later to the pat-pat of his little sister

All dressed and ready for the day

Mateo checks out his "Happy Birthday Super Mateo!" cake. He specifically requested a blue cake. :)

Once at Dona Blanca's house, she welcomed Mateo with a big hug and gave him his birthday present ...
... Veggie Tales Dave and the Giant Pickle. "Gracias, Dona Blanca!" he said with delight.

A picture with Mommy before she headed off to work

Checking out the new flick

Desayuno del cumpleanos - arepa con queso, huevo y chocolate

Watching his new movie from Blanca

Playing with Francesca before she leaves with Grandma for her doctor appointments

Mateo and Blanca took a walk

Almuerzo donde Dona Blanca

Napping to rest up for the evening's events

Playing with cousin Emma

Daddy and me

Daddy and Mateo check out the action down the street

Playing with my best friend Giovanni

What a throw!

Tough boys

I am cool

Enjoying the weather outside

Mateo and Emma play in the new bouncy

The birthday spread

Grandpa and Bobby grill the brats and dogs

Daddy prays a blessing on Mateo and dinner

Birthday dinner

Grandpa takes Mateo outside to see his birthday present

Mateo's birthday present from Daddy and Mommy

Feeling a little wobbly on the new bike, but loving the helmet
Playing on the neighbors swingset

"Happy Birthday to You!"

I wonder what he wished for?

Los abuelitos share in singing "Happy Birthday to You" and Mateo blowing out his candle via Skype.

A little birthday cake before heading off to bed. What a day!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tia Jas

La Tia llego para una visita para celebrar el cumpleanos de Mateo. Como siempre, TODOS nos hemos divertido mucho con la tia, hermana, cunada. La queremos mucho y celebramos con ella que ya se llama DOCTORA TIA JAS! Que orgullo y que buen ejemplo para nuestros hijos! Ahora solo necesitamos que se mueve para Omaha de nuevo! jaja ;)

Francesca y la Tia

Tia y la rutina de noche con Mateo

El brindis para Dr. Jasney Cogua-Lopez

March 20 - Daddy's Birthday

For Daddy's birthday this year, Francesca gave him an extra special gift. She signed "Daddy" for the first time! We haven't been able to capture it in a picture yet, but she taps her right hand against the top side of her head and smiles really big. Darling. Needless to say, Daddy was pleased as punch to have his daughter sign his name on his special day. Of course, getting a new bike made him pretty happy, too!

We sent Daddy on a scavenger hunt in the morning to find different presents and clues to his "big" gift.

Everything had a bike theme that Saturday.

I'm not sure who enjoyed singing Happy Birthday the most - Francesca got a huge kick out of the song. And to think she almost missed it for a nap!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ahhhhh, Spring!

Today was the first day in a LONG time when we went outside as a family. The sun was out, the air felt warm, the birds were singing... it felt great! Spring has to be the best season of all.

Mateo loved running all the way to the park, but on the way home he was tired. He held my hand the whole way and started talking about David and Goliath - presumably because of all the little gravel rocks scattered along the sidewalk and street. Great exercise. Guess who went to bed without a peep tonight?


Francesca hitches a ride on Daddy's back

Come on! What are you waiting for?

The swings called Mateo's name...

Looking on while Mateo plays

Chester loved the attention!