Thursday, May 13, 2010


We have made a fair amount of progress since our first soccer game. Slowly but surely we have worked our way from Mateo coming out of the game every 3 minutes for animal crackers to now only coming out for water when Coach Jess says it's time for a water break. Although still prone to pick dandelions or collapse onto the field for no reason or tickle his teammates instead of run steadfastly after the soccer ball, Mateo shows great promise in his ability to dribble the ball and run FAST! What really matters to us is that he tries his best, so we encourage him to keep playing. "Kick the ball again, Mateo! More, more, more!" (complete with signing "more"). This weekend Los abuelos and Tia Jas will be on the sidelines cheering our little Teo on. Go Tigers!

Look at that form!

Game over!