Sunday, May 2, 2010


Francesca is getting her first tooth! Francesca smiled down at me today and I spotted a suspicious white point protruding from her upper left gum... it was nothing less than a precious tooth peeking it's way out into her mouth. No wonder she has been so crabby the past couple of days!

Children with Down syndrome do not often get their first tooth until way beyond their first birthday, and their teeth come in a different order that a typical baby. Francesca is 16 months and no exception to the norm. The tooth she is getting might even be an incisor. How funny. I guess she's ready to really tear into her food!

Yesterday at Mateo's soccer game, Francesca gobbled up a grape - complete with a hunk of stems. Luckily I was able to fish out the stems and mashed grape before she attempted to choke it down. Of course now that we know she has a tooth, we might let her venture into bigger chunks of fruit! ha.

Way to go, Francesca! It won't be long before that gummy smile of yours shows off a set of (pointy) pearly whites. :)