Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm walking!

Francesca took her first steps today!!!!!!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! What a JOY to be home with her when she walked for the first time.

Here's how it happened... Cesca was sitting in her new princess chair and promptly stood up and looked at me with a big smile as if to say, "Mom, I'm thinking about doing something new..." and she sat back down. I said and signed, "Stand up again, Francesca." She did - and then came the truly amazing part - she took two steps forward!

I was so overhwhelmed with excitement that I swept her up and did a happy dance with her in my arms saying, "Francesca! You're walking! I'm so proud of you! Yea, Francesca!" Mateo joined in and we had a true celebration right there in our family room. We called Daddy right away and he said, "Que alegria! Grabalo, mi vida!" So we got out the video camera to share the magic of this milestone with you.

I couldn't stop smiling all night. We've been saying for a while now that she was so close to walking. It must have been her PT session today when they encouraged her to walk with just light support holding her hips where she proved to herself that she could walk without holding onto something or someone. It was also so fun to watch Mateo's joy as his little sister started walking. He was bursting with just as much pride as me.

Of course, the first thing Daddy did after getting home from his work dinner was to grab the camera and sit down to watch his daughter. He then immediately called his parents to show them the awesome news.

What a day! Now we're really in for some excitement!