Monday, January 24, 2011


We played outside together in the snow Sunday morning. Granted it was just for a few minutes so the babies didn't get too cold, but it was good fun. The only part of Francesca you could see was a small slat where her eyes peeked out. There was no way that Francesca was going to let her brother go outside without her! Mateo loved encouraging Francesca to walk on the snow and would have been happy to play outside with her and his Daddy all day.

I love to see how Mateo watches out for Francesca. He is such a incredibly loving big brother... it fills my heart with such joy and pride to see him pay such sweet attention to her every day. The other morning he woke up and was the first one to her room to answer her cry. He turned on the bathroom light, walked into her room and said, "Don't worry, Francesca. I'm here." Tonight he wanted to help her eat her dinner, so he scooted his chair around Daddy and up next to her and patiently tried to convince her to let him hold the spoon and feed her. When that didn't go as well as he expected, he scooted back to his spot and said, "Now watch this Francesca. You take your spoon and scoop up the food and put it in your mouth like this."

We asked the neighbor to take a family picture of us but he didn't push the button down all the way! sad.


Hat head